
Upcoming Events Hosted and Co-Sponsored by Radiant Heart

As you probably know, we don’t currently have a dedicated building to gather in, but hope to convert the Borten barn into our future temple by the end of 2024. This is a long, challenging, and expensive process, as it involves numerous stages with Boulder County and will require updating the building and surrounding land to meet commercial building code, allow emergency vehicle access, etc. We also anticipate resistance from some neighbors.

We are officially registered as a nonprofit organization. Because our status as a church already qualifies us as a 501(c)(3), registering with the IRS is essentially just a formality. However, we have chosen to apply and request a determination letter (roughly a 9 month process) in the hope that this will make the building conversion a smoother process and will also make it easier for supporters to feel secure in making tax-deductible donations. 

For the time being, as we are unable to use the barn, we are hosting small events on the Borten land and house, and other locations in nature around Boulder County.

Saturdays 9-10 AM Ongoing

Weekly Service and Conscious Land Stewardship

Members are encouraged to attend our weekly service (held outdoors – please dress accordingly) where we gather to have a direct experience of the Divine, to connect and expand together. We rotate through activities each week, including sacred dance, devotional singing, inquiry, group meditation, communion with Nature, conscious land stewardship, etc. You are always welcome to hang out with the alpacas, chickens, and ducks! Please check with us, or see our email newsletter for  the agenda of the week.

Tuesday, October 10th, 6:30-8:00 PM

Singing with Alpacas! We’ll gather to commune with these gentle spirits, doing freeform singing and chanting. Alpacas are wonderful therapy animals. We promise they will not spit on you! 

Coming in 2025: Satsang on the Major Strategies for Spiritual Liberation

Sages and spiritual leaders throughout time have taught a wide range of approaches for overcoming the limitations of the human ego and opening to a free, spiritual life. Among the themes we’ll discuss are several from our text, Rituals for Transformation (free copies are available at the event for you to borrow), including transcending identification with the body, practicing forgiveness, broadening awareness / observing times of non-ordinary awareness, holistic self-care, devotional love, connecting with the natural world, and more. 

Dates to be determined. We’ll probably start as the earth warms up in early spring.